Piquenique avec 早香「Sayaka」 a Dimanche
The other day I was going to yokohama with sayaka we were walking down to 山下公園「yamashita koen」. First we went to the churh in the morning. We woke up at about 8 o clock and walked down to 横浜駅「yokohama eki」 get some soup , we drank up the soup while walking
and we got on the train at 地下鉄「chikatetsu」 for 「元町中華街」motomachi chukagai. We walked out of the 駅「eki」 down to 元町「motomachi」 shopping area, and turned right at Foxey, then went uphill to the church of Sacred Heart of Jesus in 山手町「yamate cho」.

the church was full of people, mostly Filipino, I stood in midst of the crowd outside the front door due to our tardiness. I had the communion and we got out of the church after the mass and had Filipino food outside the church, then we met this mummy, Uchida san, whom we talked so friendly. We walked down together back to the 駅「eki」.

From there we toured 中華街「chukagai」, we walked to 山下公園「yamashita-koen」, and watched the 鴎「kamome」 and the 日本丸「nihon-maru」,we saw girls dancing in the park, we sat down in the 公園「Koen」 amidst the 鳩「Hatto」 flying around looking for 米「kome」 to eat. We saw some street perfomance by an ex nova english teacher turned performer. twas a dangerous show.

He juggled with a chainsaw, firetorch, and ball. 皆さん「Minasan」 gave a huge applause, as kids walked in front and chipped in some cash. It seems this anglosaxon guy is good at making quick money, its better than teaching english, he spoke flawless 日本語「nihongo」 with lots of slang and badwords, 早香「Sayaka」 said, we Japanese dont even speak like that. The 鴎「kamome」 was beautiful, thousands of them flying to the bay as passerbys fed them with snacks and enjoy their flight and catch.
Further we walked down to the red brick house and joined the food festival in front of it. I had many kinds of local Japanese food here. I had a huge yakitori, miso soup, icecream, kebab, and tea. Yes the tea was superb, I bought a pack of 静岡日本茶「Shizuoka nihoncha」 home with me. We were full and walked down to sakuragicho, passing the amusement park amidst the rollercoaster, and giant whatever, then we got to a small cafeteria in fromt the park, I ordered a corona, and she ordered a cranbery juice, we enjoyed our drink while playing squabble on paper.
we took a lot of picture and walked to 横浜「Yokohama」 maritime museum, and to the Queens Square. We bought some candy and walked down to the 地下鉄「chikatetsu」 under the basement in Queens square. We got home at about 6.00 and straight we went to our office. 早香「Sayaka」 helped me for an hour with the 英訳「eiyaku」. I need to finish. After that we went back to our place and bought some bentou and 納豆「nattou」 on our way. We watched Van helsing that night before turning in.
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